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Covituary – Create Online COVID-19 Memorials (Obituaries)

Covituary Create Online COVID-19 Memorials (Obituaries)

COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on the world, even with vaccines being approved and distributed. Statistics in Florida alone show 11,335 new COVID-19 cases recently, the most since July. On a national scale, over 15 million known cases are being reported, with 287,596 deaths as of December of this year.

Losses are stunning, and you might have just lost a loved one yourself to this horrific illness. Your sense of loss is unquestionably profound, though you have ways to memorialize your parent, relative, or close friend.

At Covituary, we’ve put together a free online source allowing anyone to attend a virtual memorial for someone they lost to COVID. Take a look at how it works and why it’s important in our times.

Bring Family Together

When we put Covituary together, we wanted to create a free resource that allows families to gather virtually to remember those lost to the virus. We’ve created a place where families and friends can reconnect without having to put their own lives at risk.

It works by letting visitors visit on their own time rather than necessarily meeting live. Those who visit specific memorial accounts see messages left on the site by fellow family members or friends.

All this requires is a sign-up for a free account to let you create a multimedia memorial. Anyone can access this and leave messages, bringing a cathartic way to connect in a time when we can’t physically.

You’ll also appreciate the idea of creating an online obituary for your loved one so you don’t have to pay a fortune for one in a local newspaper.

Have Your Memorial Last Forever

Chances are good we can all meet in person again once COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone. In the meantime, being able to memorialize someone can only be done in virtual ways.

Covituary made it possible to set up a memorial page that lasts forever. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean we’ll ever remove a single memorial after a select period of time.

This is an important aspect considering obituaries are not always findable in local publications after a certain time frame. Other online memorial sites don’t leave memorials up unless someone pays to keep the obituary going.

Your loved ones are important and deserve to have a memorial lasting forever online so future family can continue to see it without being charged.

What Your Covituary Memorial Can Look Like

Thanks to our multimedia setup, you can add photos, videos, a eulogy/biography, milestones, and a guestbook. You can also include a donation link to their favorite charity.

A virtual memorial link is also given so you can share it out to the world. It means you can get your memorial link onto social media where millions of people can see it. No more do you have to worry if anyone will ever find it online after you put in the work.

Most importantly, you can keep sharing this link for years to come on any online platform to keep your loved one’s memory alive.

Please Support Us

While we set up a free service for those to use who lost someone close to COVID-19, we still appreciate donations to our site if you can. Doing so (through PayPal) can keep our site going indefinitely and provide the proper outlet for memorials until we ever return to more normal times.

The losses from COVID-19, however, are still far too apparent. We grieve with you and are there to uphold the memory of those who did not deserve to lose their lives to this.

Visit us to learn more about how you can create your virtual memorial/obituary today.